July 21, 2009

Cousins Week 2009

Every year for the past 7 years my mom has done cousins week. She chooses a theme and does a full week of activities around the theme. It started with 6 cousins and it has grown to 14. This years theme was "Around the World." She painted a huge plane and every couple of days we would board the plane and go to a different country and learn about the various places. We went to Japan, France and Hawaii. It was a blast and all the cousins had such a great time. Thanks mom you are the best!
Grammy with the 5 new grand babies under the age of two! Reese 23 months, Greysen 12 months, Jada 8 months, Presley 11 months and Gavin 22 months. Next year they will have even more fun playing with each other.
8 of the 14 cousins holding one of the snakes that the Reptile Family brought on the last day.
Ashley and Rylee as Sumo wrestlers on the day we "visited Japan" The background is the huge plane that my mom painted by hand. It is hard to see with the poor lighting but it was so amazing in person.
Greysen sitting on a tortoise.
Greysen and me on our visit in Hawaii.
Here is Greysen at the beach wearing his sand beard.
Greysen playing with his aunt Becky.
Greysen loves the beach and can't get enough of the sand and water. I wish we lived near a beach because it entertains him for more than a hour. It is the world's largest free sandbox. Maybe someday.

July 11, 2009

Greysen's Birthday Party

We had a fun swim party for Greysen. We had an inflatable water park with three slides and the kids loved it. Greysen's favorite part was the birthday cake. He didn't want to eat the cake but he loved playing in it. It was a fun time!
Here Greysen and Daddy are with the #1 birthday cake.
Here is the fire engine cake for the rest of the people at the party.

July 8, 2009

Greysen's Birthday, Almost

Greysen thought loved his birthday cake. He dug in and had fun squishing the cake through his fingers and wiping it everywhere. There was a huge mess in seconds.

July 7, 2009

Greysen Loved the Beach

Greysen loves the water! He is just like his Mom, loves rolling around and splashing in the water. We took Greysen down to Cresent beach and he could not get enough. He liked pushing the sand around and watching it fall through his fingers.