February 23, 2011

January trip to California

My mom and I went to Carpinteria State Beach while I was in California. I couldn't take the cold so Greysen and I went to Cali for the week. The weather was gorgeous. I left Utah the day it snowed and the week I was there it was 75 almost everyday. We had such a great time.
Greysen loves the beach. He loves putting sand in his mouth with a shovel which makes me not very happy.
Mommy and Greysen making a sand castle.
Here we are again. We couldn't have gone on a more perfect day. We should of brought an umbrella because it was getting toasty in the sun.
The next day Greysen and I went to the beach with Gavin and aunt Lala. Greysen was a little stinker running all over the place, throwing and eating sand. He had a lot of fun playing with his cousin Gavni aka Gavin. He loves the beach and brings me the sun tan lotion and says, "mommy go to beach" I keep telling him that the beach is by grammy.
I got to see my best friend from when I was seven at my mom's house. This is Tiffany-Ann and she was able to come for lunch. Here we are both pregnant again. She is 12 wks here and I am 22 wks. Her little boy is just a few months older than Greysen.
Grandma and Grandpa bought Greysen a Canucks Hockey Jersey and matching hat. Greysen puts it on and with his hands in the air yells, "go nucks go" it is so cute. Daddy is definitely brainwashing his little boy.
Yesterday I told Greysen that daddy would go to the hospital to have surgery and he tried to say surgery and then said, "put band-aid on daddy's back" I said well, kind of something like that. He is going to miss his daddy while he is in the hospital.


Xoxo Grandma said...

Such an adorable boy. I love that he eats the sand...YUCK! Good luck with your husbands operation.

Sharon said...

so nice to be able to flee somewhere warm in the winter! you look great and greysen is cute as ever!
we'll keep rob in our prayers.

Carrie said...

Kristin! You're having a girl? Awesome! You will LOVE IT. But beware... they come with some drama. Congratulations!Life is crazy with two kids! Get ready... :) You'll be great.

Amy said...

Hey guys...Rae told me your baby is coming soon. Congrats. That is exciting!