September 29, 2009

Greysen Update

Greysen went to the dentist for the first time yesterday. He is a little behind with his teeth, but we are going to wait another 6 months before we get concerned and take X-rays. I have felt that Greysen is behind in many ways such as walking, talking and getting teeth. In the past week I have realized that he may be behind in some areas but ahead in other areas. He has just learned to blow his nose, puts the shapes in the shapes cube, and is starting to follow directions. He may not talk or walk but he understands and can get into lots of things.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Bella didn't start talking until about 20 months old (I was a little concerned too because Blake started around 10 months). But when Bella did start talking she went crazy and now she talks up a storm. I wouldn't worry too much. All babies go at their own pace. Plus Bells didn't start walking until around 15 months.