October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

My little witch and monster. I think they are just so adorable. I did make most of Pipers costume which I am proud to say.

Look at that cutie.
Greysen trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.
First Piper and I took Greysen trick-or-treating until Piper was too cold. Then Daddy took Greysen. After lots of trick-or-treating Greysen said to MacKinlay, "Daddy my legs are really tired." Needless to say Greysen rode the rest of the way home on daddy's shoulders. Greysen loved answering the door for the trick-or-treaters. He would give them some candy and kept walking outside saying, "trick-or-treat" over and over again.
Halloween was very exciting for Greysen this year. He was so excited to be a monster. I finally decided to buy a monster costume because making one was a disaster. Luckily he wore it to Pre-school, Music school, Daddy's Halloween work party, the ward party, the Dinosaur museum and on Halloween night. I really feel like it was well worth it.


wendy's stuff said...

Hey Mac and Kristin, the kids in their costumes are adorable! I'll bet you had so much fun, particularly with Greyson, at his age, it's a perfect time.

MacKinlay, I am such a dope! I forgot your 32nd birthday! I'm sorry. I'm glad to see that Kristin did her usual job of making it special and fun for you, even though it was a work and school day (yuck - people should always get their birthday day off!).

I love the blog, Kristin.

Sharon said...

SOOOOO cute!