November 2, 2011

MacKinlay's 32nd Birthday

Greysen just was staring at the cake and asking, "just one lick, pleeease?" It was just torture for a 3 year old.
I sat Piper in the bumbo on the table by the cake and she pulled a candle right out. We were surprised. Piper also rolled over from her back to stomach today.
Greysen assisting daddy with the candles.
Mac turned 32 yesterday. He had to work and go to school so it was a pretty low key birthday. Greysen and I made him a white cake and white icing. The kids and I made salmon, mashed potatoes and asparagus and bought him some sweats and a face mask. Not too exciting but at least he has his family.


Kate said...

Happy birthday mackinlay! (auto correct just tried to change his name to machinery. Hahaha!) what a bummer that it fell on a wednesday, but it seems like you made the most of it! Your kids looked adorable for Halloween. Wish I could have seen them! I bet piper is going to look huge when I get back. She's growing so fast!

Sharon said...

Happy belated birthday... Rob/mackinlay! :)