January 9, 2009

Greysen takes his first bites

Here Greysen is taking his first bites of Rice Cereal. It was mostly milk with a little cereal. I am not sure how much he actually ate. I was surprised that he didn't stick his fingers in his mouth. It will be interesting to see how he does tomorrow. I am hoping that it will fill him up more and he will start sleeping better at night. We'll see.


Carrie said...

Ki Ki,

What's the sitch (situation) with Greyson's sleeping? Do tell. Is he still getting up several times a night? If so, I have some advice and a good book for you to read. :)

Becky said...

Pease tell me your friend recommended the same book, "Healthy Sleep habits, Happy child"...if so, you need to read it. It is wonderful and changed my life in 2 nights. He is a pro at eating. Iswear your baby acts like a 7 month old already. I think Presley is gettng teet. And she sat up yesterday..but evne Reese didn't grab the spoon out of my hand until she was 11 months old. HaHa. I can't wait to see him in Feb. He is so darn cute.

La La said...

Greysen looks like he wants to feed himself, the way he is grabbing that spoon away from you! Too cute!