July 15, 2011

Greysen's Dinosaur Party

Greysen had 5 friends over for his Dino Party. Activities included a Dinosaur egg hunt, a dinosaur egg toss, Dinosaur gliders, digging for Dinosaur fossils (in the sandbox). We then read a Dinosaur book, played Dinosaur Dinosaur Egg (duck duck goose), ring around the rosy, ate cake, opened presents and ran around some more. It was the first party where just the friends come over. Fun was had by all. Happy 3rd Birthday Greysen!
Hannah, Max, Elle, Jada and Cade.
Doing the Dinosuar Egg Hunt.
Having a dinosaur egg toss with water balloons
Greysen excited to have friends over and 6 balloons.
I made Greysen's Dinosaur cake the night before and I was not happy with the way it turned out. I thought why do I even bother when I could have just made cupcakes. The next morning Greysen was downstairs with his daddy and saw the cake and got on a stool to take a closer look and said, "That my cake? It's a cool cake, I love it daddy." Then he came upstairs and thanked me for the cake. I was glad I tried my best and thought if he's happy then I am happy.This was where I found Greysen after all his friends went home. Sneaky little guy.


Kate said...

That cake is AMAZING! Wow. You should definitely be proud of it! Looks like the party was a blast!

Sharon said...

That is seriously the most amazing cake EVER!!!! Happy Birthday Greysen!

Candice said...

Oh shut up! I think that cake looks great!